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Tel Aviv Pride
9. Juni 2019 - 14. Juni 2019

Friday | June 14th 2019
Tel Aviv’s Pride events are reaching their peak on Friday, June 14th, with a series of huge events.
10am – Happening
A hot minute before the parade hits off, you can turn up for drag shows, local LGBTQ businesses boots and some uplifting speeches.
12pm – Pride Parade Launch
The parade will launch from Ben Tsiyon – Melchett towards Bograshov st, Ben Yehuda and the Herbert Samual Promenade.
2pm – Main Pride Party @ Charles Clore Park
Beginning at noon till the evening, you can expect a parade of artists and DJ sets alongside various food stands and pride merchandise.
TLV Pride party bracelet that gives you access to Tel Aviv Pride Week best event and parties will be available before the parade.
Stay tuned on all Tel Aviv Gay Pride parties.
More info at Tel Aviv Pride Facebook page.