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Archive: <span>Veranstaltungen</span>
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Prague Pride

Prag Prag

Kaum zu glauben, aber Prag feierte erst 2011 seinen allerersten CSD! Auch in diesem Jahr findet in der ersten Augusthälfte eine Reihe von Kulturveranstaltungen, Partys und Sightseeing-Touren statt. Höhepunkt der Feierlichkeiten ist ein Konzert und eine Parade am Samstag  in der City. Download Prag Gay Map here Unsere Hotelempfehlung:  G-Club Hotel *** Apart Hotel Susa*** Design Metropol Hotel Prague**** Mosaic House**** The ICON Hotel & Lounge**** Prag Tschechien Website:

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Reykjavik Pride

Reykjavik Reykjavik

Reykjavik Pride will be held 8-17 August 2019! The year 2019 is going to be a big one for queer society in Iceland and worldwide. Not only will it be fifty years from the Stonewall riots, but Reykjavík Pride will also mark its twentieth anniversary. To celebrate Reykjavik Pride 2019 will run for ten days instead of six, starting with an opening ceremony on Thursday, 8 August. The schedule will include a variety of informative …

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Circuit Festival Barcelona

Barcelona Barcelona

Circuit Festival is organised by nightlife promoter from Barcelona Matinée Group. Born more than twenty years ago, this company has achieved an international recognition and produces events such as Circuit Festival, La Leche! Festival, Matinée Easter Weekend, Girlie Circuit Festival and Matinée Summer Festival, as well as the Matinée World Tour, present in over 50 countries worldwide. The company also has a radio show, a record label and a streetwear brand.

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